Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Political Correctness: is it killing us?

"...yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service"
- John 16:2 -

Christianity and Islam, despite their differences, have coexisted in our world for centuries. One as a state, and the other as a religion. Christianity is seen as a peaceful religion, with key figures such as Jesus Christ and his disciples, Augustine and Martin Luther, who all labored for the cause of the gospel. These men show us precisely what Christianity really is: a faith grounded in the love of God. In contrast, Islam was founded by Muhammad, a man of violence, immorality and corruption. He was followed by men like Saladin, who is often seen as a hero in the war against the west.

Now to avoid misunderstandings, let me say this: I do not desire to jump to conclusions, or make unfounded generalizations which would make my reasoning void and illogical. My desire is to present the facts and to communicate truth. Please keep this in mind.

In the midst of the Fort Hood shootings, we are told by our commander in chief to be careful not to jump to conclusions regarding whether or not this act was religiously-motivated. I find this ironic, because Nadal Hasan, the shooter (who has ties with Islamic extremists) has said that the US military should be cautious of muslim recruits, because they are more likely to be connected to terrorism. I do not believe that every muslim is a terrorist, nor do I believe that every terrorists is an Islamic extremist, but to deny the common thread between the two is a childish attempt to remain ignorant.

The holy book of the Islamic faith, The Koran, mandates followers of Muhammad to; "Fight those who do not believe in Allah..." In light of this, the notion of Islam as a military power is no longer a hasty assumption. Yes, there is faith involved, and I have no doubt that many who follow this belief follow it in steadfast faith and conduct themselves peacefully. But to deny the animosity that exist between Muslim's and those who have not accepted this belief is to ignore the truth.

My biggest fear is that peoples, religions and nations will be content to remain ignorant, or deny this inconvenient truth. The latter is by far the worse, but that seems to be where our society is today. Out of the goodness of our heart, we assume that Islam is a peaceful religion, and are extremely careful not to accuse Muslims for acts of terrorism. And the truth is, this mindset is slowly but surely, killing us.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Where America is headed

“Socialists look upon people as raw material to be formed in social combinations. They assume that if the legislators left persons free to follow their own inclinations, they would arrive at atheism instead of religion, ignorance instead of knowledge, poverty instead of production and exchange.”
- Frederick Bastiat (French philosopher and economist) -

Currently, the US Federal Government has control over the environment, economic prosperity, public health and safety, domestic security, and countless other sections of American society. But it hasn't always been this way.

Just two centuries ago, the Government believed it existed solely to protect the liberties of its citizens. But its not that simple these days. Civil authorities must maintain an admirable international image, and ensure that that our allies like us and that our enemies learn to like us.

Domestically, the Government also believes that it should subsidize everything that could fail on its own, regulate everything that is too prosperous, and tax those whom they can't regulate. The recent AIG bailouts and monstrous stimulus package exhibit the Governments ever expanding, self conceived obligation to ensure that American prosperity remains stable. It must also be said that this desire to control stems from the Governments growing attachment to the private sector. The fact is, our economic stability is tied to the prosperity of certain institutions that are apparently "too big to fail." We must ask ourselves, why was the government so concerned with failing financial institutions? Can capitalism not thrive on its own? I need not give an answer, because I assume you can connect the dots on your own.

If America's socialistic trends continue, and Government continues to expand, we will arrive at a place where citizens will be dependent on the Government for their existence and nothing will keep the fed's from regulating and controlling every sector of our lives.

There's no question, something must be done. No doubt, the solution is you and I. America is waiting. What are you waiting for?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A new nation

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"
- The Declaration of Independence -

The founding fathers truly believed every sentence they wrote in America's founding documents. For they sacrificed their property, sacred honor and their lives in the name of liberty. The freedom we enjoy daily in this great nation is the direct result of their selfless endeavor to birth a free society. These man held themselves to the highest moral code, and fully recognized that without the hand of an omnipotent God, their efforts would soon prove to be worthless. Also, the prospect of a new nation based upon free principles was not only a dangerous idea in their day, but also an unprecedented one. The United States of America is the only country of its kind. During the constitutional convention, our nations founders were faced with a predicament, for when an individual mentioned their previous
country, Britain or Europe, Thomas Jefferson would remind them that comparing America to Europe is equal to comparing heaven and hell! These words ring true centuries after they were uttered. For never has a nation blended the systems of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy in a concentrated fashion, resulting in a free nation. These ideas are revolutionary, and changed the way people viewed freedom and liberty forever.
What would it take for Americans to come to the realization that they are among the most privileged beings in the world? Maybe we would stop complaining about what politicians can't give us, and be thankful that we live in a society where limited government is valued and where our freedoms are protected on a daily basis. America would be a very different place if we knew what America stood for, and what we represent as Americans. I know one thing, I am proud, and extremely privileged to be an American.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why politics?

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same"

- Ronald Regan

If I was to ask you what you thought the biggest problem is in our current governmental system was, what would you say: Socialism, frivolous spending, economic issues or maybe a concentrated dose of self seeking and dishonest authorities? But before you make accusations against America’s civil authorities, politicians and lobbyists (which unfortunately, are often accurate) and point the finger, remember that when you point there will always be three fingers pointing back at you. American’s, especially Christians are often quick to blame others for any problem that arises in America. But don’t we deserve some of the blame as well? Whenever we are quick to blame others, we need not look farther than the glass of a mirror to remind ourselves that the biggest problem is not the President, or the Democrat’s, but it is the citizens of the US who are responsible for our current predicament. If we wish to preserve the freedom we enjoy daily, we must fight, for freedom is not free. Some will fight on the front lines of a battlefield, others may stay behind and fund their efforts, and there are those who must fight for our liberty on American soil, perhaps behind a desk or a podium. For the same establishment that exists to protect individual liberty has become the primary threat to the same. We have lost sight of the purpose of Government, and instead constantly ask ourselves, “What can the Government give to me?” Our complacency has become our downfall. So you see that it is we who are at fault.

Therefore, it is us who will decide the fate of our great nation. It is for this reason that I am passionate about politics.

In the words of Patrick Henry, "If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight!"

Although he was speaking of war, these words apply just as much to us today as they did to the American Revolutionists several centuries ago. Our liberty is under siege, Americans are slowly forgetting what it means to be free. And unfortunately, the blame for this falls on us. I believe that the God who brought our nation into its existence will be its faithful guide through all of its days. But I also believe that God gives us the ability, and the privilege to change things. And I believe the God given freedom we enjoy every day will be slowly stripped away from our grasp unless we take up the torch of freedom and never cease to labour for its preservation.

Political Passion is more than just a blog for me, its a desire burning inside me that I know God has placed in my heart. Sure, my family is republican, but I don't think its the democrats or the republicans who will get the job done. Its not about a political party, its about a principle, its about freedom.